WumpusNotes Discord Bot Logo

WumpusNotes Discord Bot

Full WumpusNotes Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Utility commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in January

WumpusNotes Discord Bot Described:

WumpusNotes allows users to create and share notes with other users on Discord. This is achieved through a Google Docs like URL Sharing System and basic permissions features.

WumpusNotes is a new productivity bot designed to allow users to create and share notes with eachother in a safe, moderated environment.

Tell me more

WumpusNotes allows you to make quick, simple and unformatted notes. These can range from things to the names of movies, social media usernames or even a link to your favorite cooking recipe, everything can be stored in moderation (WumpusNotes does not condone, approve or otherwise endorse the use of our service for Illegal or Dangerous Activities. All notes are currently stored in plaintext however we do have plans to change this, read below

It’s really easy to get started with WumpusNotes, just invite it into your server and it can be used in both Direct Messages and Server Channels, the world is your oyster

Getting Started

To get started with WumpusNotes simply invite the bot and run wp!help for a list of commands or wp!whatis to read more information about WumpusNotes

So what do you have planned for WumpusNotes

User Experience and Privacy is really important to us, our 2020 roadmap plans out the features we’d love to add, including :

  • Encrypted Message Saving (RSA/AES)
  • Image Support
  • Code Snippet Sharing with Formatting
  • These are just a few of the features we plan to add. Our userbase is more than welcome to submit new ideas and we will actively consider them - for implementation

As mentioned privacy is important to the WumpusNotes Project. Any and all individuals that are permitted access to WumpusNotes Data have signed a legally binding agreement to uphold GDPR and other Privacy Legislation. We will never expose any notes you record to anyone without your explicit consent unless compelled by a Court Order or similar Legal Instrument

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add WumpusNotes Discord Bot to my server?

You can add WumpusNotes to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add WumpusNotes Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: wp!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Friz#8136