y124BOT Discord Bot Logo

y124BOT Discord Bot

Full y124BOT Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in January

y124BOT Discord Bot Described:

A fun bot with many features more added all the time

Note this is not updated often please refer to $help for updated command list
command that repeats message
$list members
lists members
complex math (no ^)
$cf <heads/tails>
$uno reverse
reverses your uno
$dice/$roll [optional sides]
rolls dice (default 6 sides)
shows the truth about MEE6
$comit die
comits die
$yeet [optional name]
yeets you or another person
$kill [optional name/@a/@e]
sends message
because (as a reply to $y)
$random member
prints random member
says hi
$no u/$no you
no u
it is !rank
$comit <anything>
comit anything
$annoy <@user>
annoy someone :)
$clr <color hex code>
displays colour/color
[11:47 AM]
q (as full word in message) or $q
q is yes
@y124BOT (in message)
y124bot say hello
these are the most unfunny things ever ngl
math (+ or - or / or * or ^ in message)
attempts to complete math sum syntax: <number 1> < > <+ or - or / or *> < > <number 2>
$shut up
please use this to suggest new features
where am i (as message)
where are you
who am i (as message)
who are you
$letter info <letter>
gets info on letter
$report user
report user to y124
to get your server on the changelog message y124#0517
when am i (as message)
when you are (AEST)
why am i (as message)
why you are
what am i (as message)
what you are
how am i (as message)
how you are
prints random colour/color
join date
am i nicked (as message)
are you nicked
website with invite link and offical server
report bugs
is @user nicked
checks if someone is nicked
never gonna give you up…

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add y124BOT Discord Bot to my server?

You can add y124BOT to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add y124BOT Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: $
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: y124#0517