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YT Sim is a youtube simulator where the currencies are subscribers, fans, views, and watch hours. You can upload videos every 30 min.(yt!upload) to get subscribers ranging from 1-10, and upload unique content every 24 hours(yt!unique) to get subscribers ranging from 10-20. You can also get subscribers from promoting(yt!promo) every 3 min. You can get fans by subscribers (yt!fans) and vice versa.

Although you can get fans and subscribers with the commands, you’ll have to get views and watch hours from the studio in exchange of subscribers and fans(yt!studio).

Other users got more subs and fans than you? Don’t worry, you can steal them by using yt!roast for subscribers and yt!expose for fans, however, there are time and subs/fan limits.

Also, play buttons, vanity url, logo, these items are getting added to the studio and vote rewards ate getting added too(to obtain them you need to be in our support server), more items will be added to studio in the mear future…
Apart from economy, there are moderation and fun commands too! Use yt!help for more!

This bot is created and managed by only one teenager, so any bugs, please report to the support server.
Thanks for reading so far!!
Warrior Instinct YT (aka Dark Warrior)
Owner and manager of the bot

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.