Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Yudami is a all-in-one discord bot!
Main features at the moment:
- Moderation Commands;
–(ban, clear, kick, lockdown, snipe, softban)
- Music Commands;
–(leave, loop, nowplaying, pause, play, playlist, queue, remove, resume, search, skip, skipto, volume)
- Fun Commands;
–(8ball, cat, coinflip, dadjoke, urban)
- Miscellaneous Commands;
–(avatar, embed, ping, suggest)
A major improvement in moderation! We are working on antispam, antiraid, preventing mass mentions, emoji spam, word filters…
A whole lot of miscellaneous and fun commands! We will be adding commands that can display information about certain things, like npm package searching, discord.js docs…
Anyways… Yudami can become your new main bot! Checking it out would mean the world to us <3