Logo for Zenesis

Upvote Zenesis

Zenesis is a multipurpose bot with many useful features and more useful features are on their way!

Back to Zenesis

Here is a commands list:

➥ We also have a dashboard where you can setup welcome/leave system, as well as logs and DM on join!

➥ Afk

➥ avatar

➥ ban

➥ zenesis

➥ zenesis bug

➥ zenesis feedback

➥ clearwarns

➥ invite

➥ kick

➥ leaderboard

➥ lock

➥ mentions

➥ modrole

➥ nickname

➥ ping

➥ purge

➥ random

➥ rank

➥ removewarn

➥ rps

➥ serverinfo

➥ slowmode

➥ tempban

➥ unban

➥ unlock

➥ unmute

➥ userinfo

➥ warn

➥ warns

➥ say

Invite Zenesis today to your server to check it out. If you don’t like it, you can always kick it. Lol

I would be more then happy to see Zenesis in your server!

I care about Zenesis and make sure that the commands, that I provide are useful, helpful and are easy to use. I am always trying my best to improve Zenesis as much as I can. Adding more functionality to Zenesis, while keeping it simple, so everyone can use it!

Zenesis was created by Phantom_Fire7#4511 and Sandeep#9106.
Feel free to contact me on discord, if you have any questions or want to give some feedback or suggestions.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.