Upvote Ballies NFT

Combining sports, gaming and NFTs. Become the King of the Meta-Court!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Ballies NFT

Welcome to the Ballies NFT public community discord server! We are a community dedicated to combining sports, gaming, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to create an exciting and rewarding experience.

In Ballies NFT, you can become the King of the Meta-Court by competing in various tournaments and challenges. Each challenge has its own unique set of rules, so you’ll have to strategize and use your wits to come out on top.

We also have a variety of channels for you to explore and discuss topics related to sports, gaming, and NFTs. Plus, there are plenty of giveaways and events to participate in.

Come join us and become the King of the Meta-Court! We look forward to seeing you in the server.