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The official Discord community for the competitive VR multiplayer shooter Blaston! Available for Oculus & SteamVR!
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Blaston Official Discord Community

Welcome to the official Discord community for the competitive VR multiplayer shooter Blaston! This community server is the perfect place to connect with players from all over the world and stay up-to-date with the latest information about Blaston. Players can join in to discuss tactics and strategies, share their achievements, and make new friends!

Playing on Oculus or SteamVR? Drop into the corresponding channels and converse with fellow players! Our moderators are also ready to help answer those pesky questions and get you up and running in no time.

Looking for someone to team up with? Ask around and see if anyone is in for a match! There are also plenty of other specialized channels for different game modes and in-game events.

So don’t miss out and join the official community Discord server of Blaston!