Upvote Bloody Survival

Welcome to BloodyARK! This server was established in 2017 and is still running strong as one of the biggest unofficial.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Welcome to BloodyARK!

This community Discord server was established in 2017 and is still running strong as one of the biggest unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved servers. Join us today to play with hundreds of players from around the world.

We have several game modes to choose from, including PvE, multi-player, single-player and special events. We also provide an active and friendly community of players who are helpful and enjoy participating in our weekly competitions, special events and daily chats. Our server is always expanding and we are committed to providing an enjoyable gaming experience for everyone.

As a member of our server, you’ll have access to exclusive features such as exclusive custom servers, custom maps, and exclusive game modes. We also host regular tournaments, giveaways and special events, so you won’t miss out on any of the fun.

Come join us today and experience the thrill of BloodyARK!