Upvote Burning Down

Our Discord server is a virtual meeting place for people interested in the theme of burning, where we discuss various topics related to fire, and almost anything else.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Welcome to our Discord server!
Our server is a virtual meeting place where we are a confederation of people who share an interest in the theme of burning.

Here, you can chat, socialize, and share your passion for all things related to fire. Our community is open to anyone who wants to explore this theme.

In our server, we discuss various topics related to burning, such as fire art, pyrotechnics, and more. We encourage everyone to share their experiences and knowledge about this fascinating topic. Our members come from all walks of life, and we welcome all perspectives and viewpoints.

Important Note: The owner and moderators of the server are not responsible for anything done outside of Discord, and we do not condone any illegal activities or harm caused by fire. Please enjoy this unique and powerful force of nature responsibly.