Upvote Candy Shop 🍬

Candy Themed server for people who love video games! From Call of Duty to Genshin Impact we have members who play a variety of games! This is also a perfect server for small streamers!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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This Server is filled with an amazing community of people who love playing video games! We also have a group of small streamers who are in the server! I hope to continue growing a strong group of content creators that help and support each other! If you haven’t reached Afiiliate yet on twitch, we can help! In this server you can find people who play the same games you do and will be down to play with you! If you want to just hangout and talk about video games, anime , or even just life, this is the server for you! 50+ emotes , Level 1 Boosted, Friendly Members & Staff, Dank Memer , Pokemon Bot, Aki, Music Calls, Specific VCS for Games!