Upvote Chromatic Empire

The Chromatic Empire is a faction based on the /r/place clone pxls.space, and is focused on creating artwork representing its member factions, and is the most democratic faction on the site!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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the Chromatic Empire

The Chromatic Empire, officially just the Chromatic Empire, shortened to ChE, is a pxls.space faction that consists of 6 member factions, those being;

  • TPE - The Purple Empire
  • NBGM - Navy Blue Grand Monarchy
  • OG - Orange Gang
  • GG - Green Gang
  • TK - Teal Kingdom
  • EC - Elemental Confederation of Aquatica–Metallica (or commonly just Elemental Confederation)
    It is with these 6 imperial subjects, also known as member factions, that the Chromatic Empire can create artwork representing almost every colour available on the art platform and /r/place clone pxls.space.
    It has a governing body made of representatives from the imperial subjects, each getting a set amount of votes depending on how powerful they are.
    The general theme of the Chromatic Empire is akin to the Holy Roman Empire of old, so if that’s something that interests you, come on down to the Chromatic Empire! We’d love to see you around!