Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub Discord Server Logo

Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub Discord Server

Join the Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub Discord server for advice and support throughout your app journey! Invite link and 2.61k members.
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 83 Online
  • 4,320 Members
The Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub Discord server has 83 online members and 0 upvotes.

Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub Discord Server Described

: Find advice and support throughout your Health-Service (Clinical/Counseling/School) Psychology PhD/PsyD app journey!
Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub

Welcome to the Health-Service Psych PhD/PsyD Applicant Hub! We are a community of aspiring and current Health-Service Psychologists who are looking to provide each other with advice and support throughout our PhD/PsyD application process. Here, you can connect with other applicants, share your experiences and stories, and get help with any questions you may have. Our members are here to listen, give advice, and provide support, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything. We look forward to having you join us and be part of our community!

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