No Recording or anything that violates the privacy rules (except for livestreams, but you must ask permission from the people in your channel. Streams are only held in stream vc).
-No verbal abuse.
-No bigger discussions on politics, sexuality, and religion
-Do not spam or bother other users with Poke and messages. (Channel Hopping is also spam!)
-Do not copy names. For example: Nickname1, Nickname2, etc.
-Don’t send links to scam websites, porn websites, phishing websites or anything that can harm the user’s computer or are considered inappropriate as we want the users on the Discord server to feel safe while being on it.
-No posting pictures of others without their consent, especially in a malicious manner.
-No randomly pinging the owner without a good reason/cause.
The moderators have the responsibility for the channels/server. If you have problems, contact the admins.
-If you get 2 warnings, the next time you go against the rules it will be a ban. Instigating issues/ starting drama will also put you in a position to receive an instant kick/ban.
-Users can give themselves a custom avatar when their name is clicked, so please make sure your picture is appropriate and doesn’t contain racist or inappropriate images. Doing this will result in a kick and an invitation to join back with a changed profile picture.
-No Toxicity
Admin/Mod rules
Do not abuse your permission.
-Do not move people just for the sake of messing with them.
-No editing other player’s/channel’s note, username.
-Don’t change anything without asking the rest of the staff beforehand.
-Reference the mod rule sheet or inquire for assistance with issues.
Comet Discord Server
0Full Comet Server information, with invite link to join, along with Anime channels and any related servers.
- 0 upvotes in September
- 21 Online
- 54 Members
The Comet Discord server has
21 online members
Comet is a Anime Discord Server.
Comet Discord Server Described
: A hangout server for anyone! Message the chat and have fun! Post your art or edits! ---- Give an intro!!Similar Discord Servers
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