Upvote 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐒

DiSCO-happy commands: sabout - shows info about the bot sping - checks the bot's latency ssettings - shows the bots settings Music:
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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slyrics [song name] - shows the lyrics to the currently-playing song snowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing splay <title|URL|subcommand> - plays the provided song splaylists - shows the available playlists squeue [pagenum] - shows the current queue sremove <position|ALL> - removes a song from the queue ssearch - searches Youtube for a provided query sscsearch - searches Soundcloud for a provided query sshuffle - shuffles songs you have added sskip - votes to skip the current song


sforceremove - removes all entries by a user from the queue sforceskip - skips the current song smovetrack - move a track in the current queue to a different position spause - pauses the current song splaynext <title|URL> - plays a single song next srepeat [on|off] - re-adds music to the queue when finished sskipto - skips to the specified song sstop - stops the current song and clears the queue svolume [0-150] - sets or shows volume


sprefix <prefix|NONE> - sets a server-specific prefix ssetdj <rolename|NONE> - sets the DJ role for certain music commands ssettc <channel|NONE> - sets the text channel for music commands ssetvc <channel|NONE> - sets the voice channel for playing music
@₣ARAH | ف͠رح͠ 🇰🇼#0007