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Whether it's scripting, shaders, Geometry Nodes, Sverchok, Houdini, or another procedural system, this is the place.
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Welcome to the erindale.xyz - a community public Discord server! Here, you can talk to experienced 3D Artists, Arch-Viz professionals, Environment Artists, Animators, and more! Our community focuses on enjoying the process of exploring and learning from Blender, Houdini, Unity, and several other 3D software tools. All of us are here to help each other out, contribute ideas and insights, and teach each other things we’ve learnt along the way.

Whether it’s scripting, shaders, Geometry Nodes, Sverchok, Houdini, or another procedural system, this is the place where creativity and curiosity come together. Join us and be a part of a creative, fun, and inspiring community!