~Phσebe's Gαrden~ Discord Server Logo

~Phσebe's Gαrden~ Discord Server

Full ~Phσebe's Gαrden~ Server information, with invite link to join, along with Gaming channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 31 Online
  • 85 Members
The ~Phσebe's Gαrden~ Discord server has 31 online members and 0 upvotes. ~Phσebe's Gαrden~ is a Gaming Discord Server.

~Phσebe's Gαrden~ Discord Server Described

: This server is for Maidvelia's small community of IRL/online friends, followers on Twitch, and subscribers on YouTube. Come chill! ✿✹ᴗ〜

Make yourself at home in my garden! You are here because you are either a fan of my Twitch streams, watch videos on my dead YouTube channel, or you’re one of my friends. ✿✹ᴗ〜

If you are new to my content, I mainly livestream Mario Kart Wii and I am working on expanding to Ace Combat, Project Wingman, and Need for Speed! I also have a YouTube channel but it’s inactive.

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