Upvote Fall Out Boy Fan Club

A place to hangout with other Fall Out Boy Fans
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to Fall Out Boy Fan Club

Our server is a friendly community for Fall Out Boy fans, by Fall Out Boy fans.
Here are some of the things you can do:
Head over to roles and react to the messages to receive cool roles.
Keep up to date with the latest information from our favourite band in 📰fob-news
Every once in a while, a Band Member will host a trivia night, where you have the option to test your knowledge of Fall Out Boy against other fans for a prize.
You can chat about anything in 💬general-chat or talk with other FoB fans in 💬fan-chat
We have some voice channels available where you can hangout with other Fall Out Boy Fans
You are able to listen to music played by one of our Band Members or Die-Hard fans in FoB Music
The server is still in its early stages and is being tested. If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop them in ❗suggestions-help. Stay Frosty!
(This server is not official, entirely fan made)