Friends of Figma Discord Server Logo

Friends of Figma Discord Server

Friends of Figma Discord server - a safe space for all Figmates to chat, support each other and have fun. Invite link to join and 16.4k members already!
  • 0 upvotes in February
  • 1,936 Online
  • 28,814 Members
The Friends of Figma Discord server has 1.9K online members and 0 upvotes.

Friends of Figma Discord Server Described

: Friends of Figma is the safe space where all Figmates gatter to chat, support each other and have fun every now and then

Welcome, Friends. We are so glad you’re here. 👋

Friends of Figma is the safe space where all Figmates gatter to chat, support each other and have fun every now and then.

Whether you’re a professional or student, Friends of Figma exists so our users can come together to help each other; lifting everyone up. It’s run by the community and everyone is welcome.

So come on in and make some new friends. 😁

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