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The Hyperledger Foundation builds open source blockchains
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Hyperledger Foundation

Welcome to the Hyperledger Foundation! We are a public, community Discord server dedicated to the open source development of blockchains. Our mission is to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in the blockchain space.

We provide a platform for developers, entrepreneurs, and blockchain enthusiasts to connect and collaborate on building the next generation of blockchain technology. Our server includes channels for discussion, resources to learn and share information, and a vibrant community of people who are passionate about blockchain technology.

We are dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to participate in the conversation. We have a code of conduct in place to ensure that everyone feels safe and respected. We also have a team of moderators to ensure that everyone is following the code of conduct and that the conversations are as productive as possible.

If you are interested in blockchain technology and want to be part of a vibrant community, join us today! We look forward to having you as part of our Hyperledger Foundation community.