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stray kids based hangout/editing server!! check us out on tiktok - @mvniacsoc
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Welcome to maniac™, the official public community Discord server for Stray Kids Fans! Join us to make new friends and find like-minded fans of the Korean band.

Everyone is welcome to join and have some fun! We have a friendly and active community full of Stray Kids fans from all around the globe. We have all kinds of interesting extra features, from level up roles to external apps to help you connect with other members. We offer support for all members, no matter your age or your level of experience. Our staff team is always happy to help.

Are you a content creator? We got you covered! We offer an editing server where all our members can create amazing visuals and create a portfolio of their work. And keep an eye on our TikTok - @mvniacsoc, because you never know when we might post something new.

So what are you waiting for? Join maniac™ now and get ready to create a whole new world of endless possibilities.