Bem-Vindos ao servidor Santo Amaro RolePlay.
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Welcome to MoveTown!!!

MoveTown is a public, community Discord server that offers a fun and relaxed atmosphere to hang out with friends. Whether you’re looking for friendly conversations, gaming nights, or even just to hang out, this is the perfect place! We encourage users to get to know each other and share their experiences on all things gaming, but entertainment topics are also welcome.

MoveTown features a variety of text and voice channels, each one tailored for a different purpose. From anime discussion to serious debate and small group chats, you will find something here for everyone. There are also game night events and tournaments to enjoy. We even have a music bot to keep everyone entertained while they chat.

The server is moderated, but the moderation is kept to a minimum. We want everyone to feel welcome and safe, so users can rely on the staff and moderators to keep the environment inviting and enjoyable.

Come join us in MoveTown! It’s sure to be a great time!