Upvote my family in Christ

our server is a place for Christians , + even non-Christians to come learn about God and have a place to just hang out !
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to my family in Christ
Welcome to My Family in Christ!

We are a public, community Discord server for Christians and non-Christians alike. Our mission is to bring together people of all kinds from around the world in shared Christian fellowship. We provide resources and discussion for all to learn and grow in faith, and serve as a safe haven from the negative realities of the outside world.

Our server is a place for those of all ages and backgrounds to come together and socialize in a friendly and uplifting environment. We share experiences and laughter, debate and promotion of respect for each other. In God’s love, we strive to practice kindness, understanding and acceptance of all who come join us.

Our main activities include group prayers, lively Bible discussions, and a vibrant social atmosphere. We also offer gaming and music channels, as well as a marketplace to buy and sell items in our server’s virtual economy.

We look forward to seeing you around soon!