N-Word Counter Discord Server Logo

N-Word Counter Discord Server

Full N-Word Counter Server information, with invite link to join, along with Meme channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in December
  • 9 Online
  • 16 Members
The N-Word Counter Discord server has 9 online members and 0 upvotes. N-Word Counter is a Meme Discord Server.

N-Word Counter Discord Server Described

: The name is self-explanatory. A Discord bot that counts words beginning with 'N'.

N-word Counter Discord Bot

Welcome to the N-word Counter Discord bot! This bot has been specially designed to count occurrences of words beginning with the letter ‘N’ in your messages across all channels. Please note that the bot is case-insensitive and is tuned to respect user privacy.

Key Features of the Bot:

Count: Retrieves a user’s ‘N-word’ count in the current server. If no user is specified, it defaults to the user who sent the command.
Total Count: Retrieves a user’s ‘N-word’ count across all servers where the bot is present.
Local Ranking: Lists the top 10 users in the current server who have used the ‘N-word’ the most.
Global Ranking: Lists the top 10 users across all servers who have used the ‘N-word’ the most.

Should you require any assistance, please join our Support Discord Server (https://discord.gg/nxa4B32spY) for help from our expert team and friendly community.

Please remember, while our bot is focused on creating an interactive environment, we strongly discourage any form of hate speech. Be respectful and mindful of the server rules and guidelines. Happy chatting!

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