Neo Danganronpa Co. 3.0 Discord Server Logo

Neo Danganronpa Co. 3.0 Discord Server

Full Neo Danganronpa Co. 3.0 Server information, with invite link to join, along with Gaming channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 37 Online
  • 112 Members
The Neo Danganronpa Co. 3.0 Discord server has 37 online members and 0 upvotes. Neo Danganronpa Co. 3.0 is a Gaming Discord Server.

Neo Danganronpa Co. 3.0 Discord Server Described

: Danganronpa & Raincode server- join to hang out, discuss the games, join the Minecraft server, or RP


A server for veterans and newbies alike. Please come in so you can join us with the fun!

── If roleplay isn’t your thing, we still have other channels and we welcome any discussion that isn’t just Danganronpa. If more people join, Staff will work hard to improve the quality of life on the server.

── Roleplay is (mainly) serious, we do let people take canon characters, and we also allow people to submit OC applications. Killing games are being hosted right now, and will be maintained at the highest expectation.

── Staff is full, but perhaps in the near future, we’ll open up applications for moderators! Staff members have more benefits in RP and in other circumstances that aren’t just only RP.

── AU’s, Killing Games, and more events are held around the clock! Come in to join our little fray.


── Self assignable roles.
── RP is optional, but a main feature.
── 3rd Killing Game Applications are now open!
── Veteran and newbie-friendly.
── All topics are welcome!
── We now have a Minecraft server!
── Discussion of Rain Code is welcome

(This server is very hit or miss with numerous people. If you don’t particularly enjoy a zany, little-too-laid back environment, then please do not join the server and then leave within the same moment. Nonsense and posting invite codes without permission will not be permitted. )

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