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Administrative owners of each NFT project discord server will help the community prosper even more with NFT Terminal Bot.

By installing the NFT Terminal Bot, users will be able to use the functions below:

1. Rarity


Algorithm-type NFTs own its rarity score and its ranking is determined based on the data.

In the designated channel, input of [$rarity CryptoPunk 5217] will generate the relative message of that NFT.

Total Rarity Score
Trait Types
Trait Name

2. OpenSea Data


It reports data and transactions from OpenSea in real time where the most active NFT trades are happening. Always stay up to date with what is happening in the marketplace.

Trading Volume
Floor Price

3. Mint Event


When Minting goes live, a message is automatically sent to the channel. The growing messages will help to both excite and hype up the community.

NFT Image
Token ID

4. Gas Tracker


For ETH-based NFTs, gas price is an important data for users. Check out the information you can find from etherscan.io conveniently from Discord.

Low, Average, and High gwei.