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Welcome to Blink Galaxy, we're taking gaming to the next level by seamlessly integrating web3 technology into the mix.
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Welcome to the OuterRing Discord!

OuterRing is an engaging third person sandbox action MMO based on blockchain technology that allows players to explore an expansive open-world. As a community server, we exist to provide an environment where people can progress in the game while also indulging in our various offerings. From discussing strategies and tips to finding like-minded people and participating in special events, we have something for everyone!

We offer our members the opportunity to find assistance with technical issues, post helpful guides, and connect with other passionate players and passionate developers. We have a variety of channels to support our members and encourage friendly debate and constructive criticism. We also provide exclusive access to game previews, updates, and promotions. So whether you’re just starting out or an experienced veteran, come join our vibrant community!