Pathfinder RPG Discord Server Logo

Pathfinder RPG Discord Server

Join the Pathfinder RPG Discord server for the latest news, discussion, and gaming. Over 15,000 members and counting! Get your invite link here.
  • 0 upvotes in February
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  • 29,446 Members
The Pathfinder RPG Discord server has 9K online members and 0 upvotes.

Pathfinder RPG Discord Server Described

: Place to discuss and find people to play the RPG Pathfinder, made by Paizo. It's like Dungeons and Dragons but better.

This server is for people interested in Pathfinder the tabletop roleplaying game by Paizo - a place to discuss, find games, get advice, and hang out with other fans. Both first and second edition of Pathfinder is welcome here, as well as Pathfinder society discussion. We’re the largest non-official (not affiliated with Paizo) Pathfinder Discord with over 15,000 members and have been around since 2016. Find people to talk about how to play, how to run games, Golarion lore, and various other nerd-adjacent topics.

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