Upvote MapleStory M

This is the official Discord server for the mobile game, MapleStoryM!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to MapleStory M

Welcome to the official Discord server for MapleStoryM, a free-to-play mobile game! Here we offer our players a friendly and welcoming community to join, and to explore the world of Maple Story in a more convenient, mobile way.

No matter what your experience level is with Maple Story, there’s something for everyone here. Connect with players who share the same love for the game, or ask for helpful advice from our experienced members. Make new friends, join guilds, and learn the tips and tricks to move your way up the ladder in the game!

Whether you’re a casual player or a competitive one, PlayMapleM is the perfect place for you to meet new friends, talk about Maple Story, get your gaming advice and share your Maple Story experience. So, come join us and take the world of Maple Story to the next level!