PokeCatchers Discord Server Logo

PokeCatchers Discord Server

Join the PokeCatchers Discord server for the latest news and updates about Poketwo. With 522 members, get your invite link and start hunting!
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 117 Online
  • 1,463 Members
The PokeCatchers Discord server has 117 online members and 0 upvotes. PokeCatchers is a Gaming Discord Server.

PokéCatchers Discord Server Described

: 24 * 7 active spawns, Level system, Level rewards, Many giveaways and events, Invite events, Daily giveaways and Tournaments etc...

Hello People,
–>This is a poketwo based server
–>You can make so much progress by joining our server
–>We are supporting all the poketwo players
–>You can put shiny tags and complete your hunt

Features :-

24 * 7 active spawns
Shiny tags to get your shiny hunts it is 24*7 so u will get many of them
Level system, u can level up, and get access to exclusive channels
Level rewards
Many giveaways and events
Invite events
Daily giveaways
And much more…

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