Upvote Ramen Official

Official server for the bot Ramen.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Ramen Official

A server just for Ramen and Naruto Botto.

In the server you will
  1. Play NB
  2. Chill out
  3. Seek help
  4. Report bugs
Ramen: the bot
  1. Slash only.
  2. Reminds you for your tasks.*
  3. Show you the cooldowns for your tasks.*
  4. Shows you online users, playing NB. (you can also hide from coming into this list)
  5. Plans your balance, just react to: n balance.

*both features are currently only for missions and reports

Upcoming Features:

  1. Generates a CSV file for your list of ninjas. (CSV file can be viewed as a spreadsheet in desktop or on browser)
  2. Shows your total missions, reports etc done (since when you came into notice of RAMEN).<br>
    …and much more