Upvote Retro Game Handhelds

RGHandhelds is a community focused around Retro Gaming, specifically but not limited to handhelds. Feel free to chatter
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Welcome to RGHandhelds

Join the Retro Gamer Handhelds community to experience the greatest in classic game culture! Our Discord server is the perfect place to discuss everything Retro Gaming, whether that be handhelds, consoles, vintage computers, or anything in-between.

We pride ourselves on being a friendly, supportive, and welcoming environment for all retro gamers alike. We offer a variety of chat and text channels for every imaginable aspect of retro gaming, as well as an off-topic channel for chit-chatting, or just taking a break from gaming. We also keep our members up-to-date on the latest happenings and opportunities in the Retro Gamingverse with events, streaming sessions, and contests.

So join us today to connect with other like-minded gamers, exchange ideas, find helpful tutorials, and expand your knowledge on retro gaming. With RGHandhelds at your side, you won’t miss a beat in the retro gaming world!