Rusty Rats Discord Server Logo

Rusty Rats Discord Server

Rusty Rats Discord server - join the ultimate near-vanilla Rust experience with 10.1k members and get the invite link!
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 3,990 Online
  • 13,095 Members
The Rusty Rats Discord server has 4K online members and 0 upvotes. Rusty Rats is a Gaming Discord Server.

Rusty Rats Discord Server Described

: Rusty Rats 2x servers provides the ultimate Rust experience with all the QOL!

We’re a multi-server rust community that provides the ultimate Rust experience with all the QOL. We provide a clean, fun and fair Rust experience for everyone. Every server we operate is closely monitored for rule breakers (especially cheaters) and our staff team will act swiftly to remove such people. The Rusty Rats staff team stands against wrongful behavior, our rules are strictly enforced and we will always do what is right so that your in-game experience is protected and remains positive. You can rely on us and you will not be disappointed.

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