Self Promotion Lounge is a place for advertisers, youtubers, tiktoksers and a lot more. We are a advertising server which focuses on growing people’s platform to become huge. We offer tips, tricks and much more. We have a active staff that is always ready to answer any questions you may have or any tips you may need!
We offer you tons of channels for you to advertise in, a friendly community, and weekly giveaways. Don’t forget that we do weekly events! We have everything a person needs to grow their platform and more!
We are always looking for staff and partnerships whenever! We are always ready to combact trollers, raiders and anyone distrubing our server members to create a friendly and safe enviroment!
We have everything and anything a person needs to grow their platform and more! We are a must-need server for peoeple who love a friendly community, weekly giveaways, weekly events, and growing their platform!