Shade Protocol Discord Server Logo

Shade Protocol Discord Server

Full Shade Protocol Server information, with invite link to join, along with any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in December
  • 815 Online
  • 6,094 Members
The Shade Protocol Discord server has 815 online members and 0 upvotes.

Shade Protocol Discord Server Described

: Shade Protocol: Connected, private Defi apps. Featuring Silk: A private, reflexive, collateralized, global stablecoin!
Shade Protocol

The Shade Protocol is the biggest public and community-driven Discord server for bringing together the Defi app users. Shade Protocol’s mission is to be the go to hub for connecting with like-minded people and discussing the latest developments in the Defi ecosystems. We provide our members with cutting edge resources, tutorials, and support in order to help them maximize their Defi investment potential.

What makes Shade Protocol special?

At Shade Protocol, we are proud of our groundbreaking new application called Silk. Silk is the world’s first decentralized, collateralized, global stablecoin. This means that it is backed by a pool of digital securities, and is traded globally on the blockchain. Silk is also a Reflexive Currency, meaning its value is programmatically adjusted to keep it concise with the world’s major currencies and will always retain its value when exchanged.

How can I join the Shade Protocol?

We welcome all new members to join our mission and contribute to the discussion forums. To join, simply head on to our website and click “join!” You will then be directed to our Discord server and can begin to explore the network and be part of the Shade Protocol community.

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