New County RP Discord Server Logo

New County RP Discord Server

Full New County RP Server information, with invite link to join, along with Gaming channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in November
  • 17 Online
  • 86 Members
The New County RP Discord server has 17 online members and 0 upvotes. New County RP is a Gaming Discord Server.

New County RP | California Based | Official Discord Server Described

: Welcome to Sky RP, We also provide one of the best menu servers out there. We are an official server and we are a whitelisted server and QBcore Based.

Welcome to Sky RP, I am the proud Founder and Owner of Sky RP. Here at SRP we provide a fun and active server. Our staff team and members are all active and fun. We also provide one of the best menu servers out there. We are an official server and we are a whitelisted server. We do more than RolePlay. We also do gamenights and giveaways for prizes on the server. If you want to join and not miss out on any of the fun then come right into the server. You will be welcomed right away. You won’t regret it.

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