Upvote Smurfs' Society

The community forum for The Smurfs' Society. Engage with members, solve riddles, and earn rewards to save the Smurfs.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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The Smurfs’ Society

Come join a wonderful community forum for The Smurfs’ Society! Our public discord server is the place to be for engaging with other members, solving riddles and enjoying rewards.

You’ll be able to connect with other Smurf fans and interact in a friendly and safe environment. Take part in our daily challenges and work your way through unique puzzles to have the chance to earn rewards. Our group is always looking for new members, so if you are passionate about the Smurfs, come on over and start your journey!

Our servers are monitored and moderated, so any spam, bullying or discrimination will not be tolerated. This is a place to share and enjoy your love for the Smurfs and have a great time. We look forward to seeing you in our discord soon!