Stefan's Lounge Discord Server Logo

Stefan's Lounge Discord Server

Stefan's Lounge Discord Server - A place to meet and talk with other fans of StefanJ2_'s work, with an invite link to join and 16.3k members.
  • 0 upvotes in November
  • 3,000 Online
  • 10,747 Members
The Stefan's Lounge Discord server has 3K online members and 0 upvotes.

Stefan's Lounge Discord Server Described

: This is a server made for the Minecraft resourcepack "BetterVanillaBuilding" and its creator's twitch channel, StefanJ2_
Stefan’s Lounge

Welcome to Stefan’s Lounge, a public and community Discord Server made for the Minecraft resourcepack “BetterVanillaBuilding” created by StefanJ2_!

This server is a special place to meet and talk with other fans of StefanJ2_'s amazing work. We talk about all things Minecraft, BetterVanillaBuilding, and all the other amazing content StefanJ2_ puts out on his twitch channel.

We also discuss any minecraft related content you’d like, share stories of your world building experiences, and share any tips and tricks that help you build awesome structures with the use of BetterVanillaBuilding.

Come on in and join the conversation, meet some new people, and make some new friends with the same passions as you!

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