Upvote Sunset Estates

Sunset Estates is a friendly World Wide server that also serves as our second home. Here, we are able to find comfort, discover new things, create meaningful bonds with other individuals in
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Sunset Estates is a friendly World Wide server that also serves as our second home. Here, we are able to find comfort, discover new things, create meaningful bonds with other individuals in

❣️ Safe space for all sexual orientations, identities, and races❣️┊
--------- What Is in the sever… ---------
・aesthetic/simple server theme
・tons of self roles for you
・many bots to use (dank, maki, mudae, owo, yggdrasil, and many more)
・open partnership
・venting channels
・lovely members waiting to be friends with you .ᐟ

--------- What the server has to offer… ---------
SFW Community
Semi-Regular Giveaways
Fun Events
The BEST emotes in discord
Active Owners 24/7
Server Monitored 24/7
Non Toxic Enviroment
Friendly Moderators