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We are a Rocket League based freestyle team. Our goal is to create the best gaming content imaginable.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Welcome to the SwiFT Rocket League Discord Server!

We are a Rocket League based freestyle team and our goal is to create the best gaming content imaginable. We strive to create an inviting, friendly, and supportive environment for all of our members. Our team consists of passionate gamers that are eager to share their knowledge and experience with everyone in the server.

We have a wide range of channels to cater to everyone’s needs. Our main channel is dedicated to Rocket League, where we discuss strategies, post clips, and host tournaments. We also have channels for streaming, game news, and general discussion.

We invite everyone to join our server and become part of the SwiFT family. Come and join us in our journey to become the best Rocket League team out there!