TerraeMC 🌍 Discord Server Logo

TerraeMC 🌍 Discord Server

Full TerraeMC 🌍 Server information, with invite link to join, along with any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in December
  • 584 Online
  • 5,238 Members
The TerraeMC 🌍 Discord server has 584 online members and 0 upvotes.

TerraeMC 🌍 Discord Server Described

: Join TerraeMC, the Towny Earth map server for an exciting survival adventure! Build your own towns and nations.
TerraeMC 🌍

Welcome to TerraeMC, an amazing Towny Earth Map server that offers a thrilling survival adventure! You and your friends can come together to build your own towns and nations that you manage and can rule. TerraeMC is not just a server, it is like a whole new world for you to explore, find special spots, build beautiful towns and socialize!

Also, join our friendly community Discord server for events, updates and discussions! It is the perfect place to meet fellow adventurers, collaborate on projects and get help from the friendly admins. With so many activities and options for different kinds of players, you won’t get bored. As an added bonus, TerraeMC also offers a range of items such as chests, roads, decorative blocks, special weapons, armor and much more! Join us now and become part of the TerraeMC journey!

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