Welcome! The Hunter’s Association is the perfect place for everything related to Monster Hunter. Join us, a friendly and welcoming community of veteran and new hunters alike! From life-long veterans who can provide helpful advice and tips, to new hunters who want to learn more about the game, we have something for everyone!
Say goodbye to feeling lost in the game and need more help. Here, you’ll find other hunters who can give you advice and recommendations for what you need. Whether you are playing solo or joining friends for a group hunt, the Hunters Association is the best place to get connected with like-minded players. We also provide a safe space for all hunters to discuss various topics from weapons to armour and everything else in-between.
Not familiar with the Monster Hunter series? Not to worry! Join us and learn more about this exciting world you’re about to explore. We can answer all your beginner questions, provide live guides and tutorials, and connect you with experienced members who can help you get started.
At The Hunter’s Association, we are committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for everyone. Our members come from all sorts of backgrounds, but we look out for each other and make sure each hunter feels welcome.
So what are you waiting for? Join us today and let’s start hunting!