Upvote The Multi-Verse

Multipurpose server with tons of content to share, view and enjoy. #chill, #chat, #VC, #memes, #community, #bots
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to The Multi-Verse
Welcome to the Multi-Verse!

We are a public, community Discord server with tons of content to share, view, and enjoy. We come from all walks of life, and we strongly believe in creating a safe, friendly and inclusive place for our members.

We’ve assembled many great channels and resources to our server. Our members can find #chill, #chat, #VC, #memes and #community for sure.

We’ve also got #bots to make sure all of our community members have access to the most modern, up-to-date tools. Our members are also able to use these bots to find new members, play games, and more!

We want to make sure our members feel welcome and secure in the Multi-Verse! We are happy to answer any questions, so feel free to ask us anything. We hope you’ll take a minute to join us and become part of this amazing community!