Upvote The PokéHub - Trading, Raids, and more!

The PokeHub server is a place for fans of Nintendo & Pokémon to come together to play and chat about our favorite games!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to The PokéHub - Trading, Raids, and more!
Welcome to The Pokéhub - Trading, Raids, and More!

The Pokéhub server is a place for Nintendo and Pokémon fans to come together and enjoy the games they love. Our server is open to all types of players, whether it’s someone new to the series, or a veteran of the franchise. Here, you can find all types of content, ranging from trading, raids, tournaments, and more. Come join us and experience the world of Pokémon with other like minded people. We also host events and provide a safe and welcoming environment to all our members. So, come join us and get ready for some intense Pokémon battles and fun!