Upvote The First Podcast Extended Universe

This is a server for The First Podcast and the Spaghetto channel on YouTube.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to The First Podcast Extended Universe
The First Podcast Cinematic Universe

Welcome to the official Discord server for The First Podcast! Here, we record the show, interact with our listeners, and discuss all things related to the show and the world of podcasts.

We have a wide variety of channels to keep you entertained and informed. Our general channel is a great place to chat and get to know other members of the community, as well as to keep up with the latest news and updates.

Our podcasts channel is where we discuss topics related to the show and the world of podcasts in general. We also have a suggestions channel for any feedback or suggestions you may have.

We also have a trivia channel where you can test your knowledge and compete against other members of the community. And finally, we have a games channel where you can play fun games with other members of the server.

So come join us and be part of the First Podcast Cinematic Universe! We look forward to seeing you!