Upvote Titanfall 2 Community Discord Server

A small community of gamers dedicated to the Titanfall series and Apex Legends. Do note that this server is still a WORK IN PROGRESS!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Quick run over of the rules:

1 - Do not post lewd/sexual images! That also includes nudity of any kind! Failure to follow this rule will result in a timeout. 2 strikes and you will be temporarily banned. If you continue to break this rule after the temporary ban, you will be PERMANENTLY banned.

2 - NO SPAM! This includes the overuse of emotes, random characters, and other unnecessary messages. Timeouts and bans can also follow.

3 - Only self promote in the self promotion channel! You will not get a timeout or ban from self promoting in another channel accidentally. But if this behavior is repetitive, mods will take action!

4 - Do not post/share any malicious files, software, images, or any of the like through either the server or direct messaging server members. This action will result in an immediate permaban.

5 - Harrassment is never okay, and especially not on this server! Harrassment of an individual or group of people will result in an immediate temporary ban. If this behavior continues after temporary ban, you will then be PERMANENTLY banned.

6 - Please avoid political talk at all costs!