Upvote Two Worlds Alliance

The homebase for the leaders of the Two Worlds Alliance. TheMindOfThomas, ChillinDylan56, AwesomeDawg3.0, ShiningGabite.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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The TWA (Two Worlds Alliance) is a way for the channels TheMindOfThomas, Two Worlds - MCM, ChillinDylan56, and AwesomeDawg3.0, and ShiningGabite to collaborate together under one united name as a single franchise of sorts.

The heads of this “alliance” are currently:
Dylan Low (ChillinDylan56)
Thomas Reed (TheMindOfThomas)
Hayden Snyder (AwesomeDawg3.0)
Ethan Hogan (ShiningGabite)

This server is the main hub for info for things related to the YouTube channels, and includes info such as behind the scenes on projects, sneak peeks, early viewings, casting calls for future projects, etc.