Upvote Under the Blossom Tree

A place where everyone can have fun and a good time. Join the community/family and make new friends! Play games together! Share memes! Listen to music with people around the world! 🌸
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to Under the Blossom Tree

If you are looking for a fun and relaxing server, you’ve come to the right place! Here you can: Socialize. Play games together. Share and listen to music with one another. Send memes. Escape reality - at least for a little bit.

Somewhere deep in all of us, there is a place where we all want to be. Though a blossom tree may not be the exact place that everyone individually dreams of, Under the Blossom Tree is about sharing and living out that unique and special place here with everyone.

So don’t be shy! Make new friends. Take part in an ongoing conversation or join in on a voice call. Connect, share, and listen to music with other people all around the world. The possibilities are endless.

We hope to welcome you to Under the Blossom Tree, and I hope you have fun here with us. Also, be sure to check us out on Reddit if you haven’t already, where you can post memes and much more! Take care and have fun. Hope to see you around!