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games, anime, talk, and most importantly chill
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Welcome to WhySixRiko

We’re a welcoming community of gamers, anime fans, curious minds, and chill people. Here, you can talk about anything you want, play games, and watch anime together with friends.

Our server is full of friendly members who are ready to make you feel right at home. Whether you’re new to gaming, anime, or just want to talk and make friends, we’ve got something for everyone.

As our community grows, so does the range of topics we’re interested in, so join us to talk about games, anime, concerts, movies, TV, sports, health and fitness, technology and everything else in between.

We have lots of resources too, like podcasts, gaming streams, YouTube reviews, learning groups, and so much more. We are always looking for something new to do, so why not have fun with us?

Most importantly, keep in mind to chill, have fun, and don’t take things too seriously. So come join us and have some fun; we will be waiting for you!