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Valor is a permadeath flash private server, where you play as a character battling against Sidon & Oryx.
You can vote once every 12 hours.

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Valor - A Community Discord Server

Valor is a Discord server dedicated to a private server of the RPG game Permadeath Flash. Here you join as a character challenging against the enemy forces of Sidon and Oryx. It’s a great place to meet other players of the game, and have some of the best strategies for fighting against enemies.

You can find tips from other players to help with farming, strategies for battle, trading and more. Whether you are a beginner or advanced player, you will find others who are in the same boat as yourself. So don’t be afraid to ask for help, or offer your advice.

Valor is a highly active Discord with plenty of conversations and activities for players. We host events for members of the community, and giveaways for top players. We also have raid guides, event recaps, tutorials, and more.

Valor is a friendly and supportive community, so don’t hesitate to ask questions or join in on conversations. We are always looking to welcome new members, so come join us and join the fun!