Upvote Wings of Fire: The New Prophecy

Welcome to the world of Wings of Fire, where you can become a mighty dragon from legend! This server is a safe and fun place for any FanWing to talk about the books, roleplay, or share art!
You can vote once every 12 hours.

Back to Wings of Fire: The New Prophecy

Welcome to the world of Wings of Fire! In this server, you can become a mighty dragon and explore the lands of Pyrrhia, Pantala, or both! Depending on your chosen role, you will experience the life of a dragon in a unique way. Please note that this is a semi-canon roleplay, which means that while the dragon tribes and world remain the same, the lore and other details may differ from the original story. Enjoy your adventure and let your imagination soar!


(You may need to copy-paste these links into your web browser.)
Server Main Page: (Contains everything you will need to take flight in this server!)
Server Rules & Consequence System: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v-u89YH9Q0hlqwmwy49aIhD5jdNp2QRNG3-vxuaysWc/edit?usp=sharing
Guide to Character Creation: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1yzpvmsUZeIaDrV2ePxZcFVc-R_ud_P4K8TvVVSKuwkE/edit
Dragon Guides: Coming Soon!
Tribe Pages: Coming Soon!
Roleplay Pages: Coming Soon!
(NOTE: This description will be updated as new pages are made.)